Rustic Dining Room Table, Version 1
A friend texted one night if I had a saw that could cut 45 angles and if I could help him make a new table for his wife in their new home. I offered to help and we went to the …
A friend texted one night if I had a saw that could cut 45 angles and if I could help him make a new table for his wife in their new home. I offered to help and we went to the …
I first started reloading using an old, rickety workbench. Although it worked, to keep the press from bouncing around and spilling powder, I had to keep a firm grip on the front of it. The best solution was to build …
Making a Reloading Bench for a Hornady Lock-n-Load Press Read more »
My original dust collector was just an old shop vacuum. The filter clogged regularly so I made a cyclone separator out of sheet metal and some old buckets. This worked well enough except I didn’t engineer the lid for the …
After a reloading session and running out of primers several times, I decided to build an alarm for when the primer tube runs out. Each time it happened, I missed the fact it was empty for a case or two and …
I have had a few problems with my pfSense firewalls losing their internet connection and not finding out about it until I get a panicked call or text from someone. Nine times out of ten this is caused by the ISP …
Over the last few days I was trying to VPN into the pfSense firewall that I had setup a dual WAN on. For some reason I wasn’t able to, but the school never sent a complaint that something was wrong …
I have needed to replace my shocks on my 1991 Isuzu Trooper for several weeks now and didn’t get around to it. They have been making a hissing sound when I go over bumps and the ride has gotten noticeably …
Replacing 1991 Isuzu Trooper Shocks Without Removing the Tires Read more »
Setting up a cheap and low-cost home virtualization server for Proxmox. Background I have used Proxmox at work for setting up small servers and liked the fact that it was free and seemed to “just work” without much hassle. Currently there …
Proxmox Virtualization Server Part 1: AMD Athlon 5370 Mini-ITX Read more »