Quick and Easy DIY AR-15 Upper Receiver Vise Block

I needed to install an AR-15 barrel on a new upper and didn’t want to pay $25 for a vise block.  Instead I used some scrap 2x4s and a few screws to make my own.

In the vise and ready to go


This took about 20 minutes of measuring marking cutting and screwing to get just right.  It’s a little bulky and could have been cut down, but ended up being far cheaper than one I would have had to buy!

Place the upper receiver on one piece of 2×4, stand up another one next to it, scribe the height with a third piece so you know how tall to cut the sides
Cut the two side pieces at the same height, clamp the first one down to the base, pre-drill and screw it in
For the second side block, I cut about 1/4″ off the side so it fits snugly over the ejection port cover
The block should fit right here
Sandwich the upper receiver between the two side pieces and screw the second side in like the first
Place the top on and screw it down with the receiver inside. I had about 1/16″ of room on the top and placed a shop towel in the hold it firmly
Turn is sideways and clamp it in the vise
It should have plenty of strength to torque a barrel nut down and it won’t mar the anodized finish either!
Barrel and barrel nut installed

2 Comments on “Quick and Easy DIY AR-15 Upper Receiver Vise Block

  1. THANK YOU! I wouldn’t have thought of doing this, but damn if it isn’t cheap and effective! And here I was about to go and buy a vise block, so glad I found this post.

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